"He must have done something. They don't kill you for nothing." - Chicago Gangster Ted Newberry. Rubbed out January 7, 1933

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Back ta Chicago witch ya

The story begins in Chicago on April 21, 1921 when John Amberg, VP of the Schubert and Amberg State Bank, was riding in a car with the banks cashier Norton Stone. In Amberg’s possession was $25,000. Thanks to an inside source, bandits Art Bernstein, Joe Kelly and two of their accomplices knew about the cash.

As Amberg and Stone were driving along a high powered sedan containing the bandits pulled up and forced them to the side of the road. Both bank men were forced into the robbers car and taken for long ride. When they were miles away from anywhere they were let out and the bandits took off with the loot.

After the split Bernstein and Kelly took off for New York City. Their pals stayed around Chicago and were subsequently captured. It didn’t take long for them to spill on their pals and the Chicago PD contacted New York and asked them to head to the Cathedral apartments at 105 West 109th to pick up Bernstein and Kelly.

Eighty-eight years ago today, three detectives headed over, drew their pistols and knocked. Kelly opened the door and saw three gun muzzles pointing at him. The detectives stepped inside just as Bernstein and his wife stepped into sight to see who was at the door and they to were covered. “It’s all over,” Kelly announced. “We’ll have to go along.” And so they did.

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