"He must have done something. They don't kill you for nothing." - Chicago Gangster Ted Newberry. Rubbed out January 7, 1933

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Running Can Be Unhealthy


 A bootleggers feud was the reason given for the murders of New Jersey gangsters Agostino Delappia and Vincenzo Follo on the evening of August 19, 1929. The two gangsters had just exited a club and after they had been walking a bit, they noticed two men behind and, assuming correctly that they were on the spot, took off running. The men behind them hot on their heels.

The quartet actually ran past a Newark police station but no police happened to be outside. A few blocks away Delappia and Follo split up at an intersection. The gunmen stopped and opened fire on Delappi and hit him a number of times. The gangster let out a scream, grabbed a telephone pole and collapsed. 

With his partner down, the gunmen turned their pistols on Follo and fired a few shots that missed then stopped shooting. If Follo thought he got away because the gunmen stopped firing he was mistaken, the reason they stopped was because they saw a familiar gray sedan coming down the street from the opposite direction. When it was parallel to Follo, a man leaned out and opened fire killing the gangster.

Delappia was taken to the hospital but died a few hours 

Team Members Archive | Hillsboro Aero AcademyTeam Members Archive | Hillsboro Aero Academy

Agostino Delappia     Vincenzo Follo

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