"He must have done something. They don't kill you for nothing." - Chicago Gangster Ted Newberry. Rubbed out January 7, 1933

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Clipped in a Barber Shop

Russell Hughes was a Midwest desperado who robbed banks and was said to be an associate of Handsome Jack Klutas, head of band of kidnappers who preyed primarily on Chicago gamblers.

Hughes, who was involved in a number of bank robberies, was loitering in the doorway of a Peoria, Illinois barber shop on this date in 1933.  Peoria's Chief of Detectives Fred Montgomery along with detectives Robert Moran and Gay Dusenberry were cruising town in the former's sedan when Montgomery noticed Hughes, who was wearing a fake mustache. Montgomery told Moran that he thought the guy was ringer for Hughes so they pulled over to check him out.

Hughes noticed the detectives pullover and retreated back into the barber shop. The detectives followed him in. "All right Hughes; put 'em up!" Montgomery ordered. Hughes pulled his hands. from his coat pockets. He had a gun in each and the firefight was on.

Moran fell with a wound that would prove fatal and Montgomery also dropped with a shot in his shoulder. Though wounded, Montgomery was able to keep firing. Mortally wounded, Hughes finally crumbled. "I think every shot I fired hit that fellow," Montgomery later stated, "but he just wouldn't drop. Before I knew it, my gun was empty."

Russell Hughes

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