"He must have done something. They don't kill you for nothing." - Chicago Gangster Ted Newberry. Rubbed out January 7, 1933

Saturday, March 16, 2019

From the depths

On this date back in 1930, the body of  Windy City gangster John Rito broke free from the constraints holding it under and surfaced to the top of the Chicago River. Known as the "Billiken", Rito was a subordinate in the outfit run by Northside gang boss Ted Newberry.

On the the previous November 30, 1929, Newberry was slightly wounded in a drive-by. A little
 over a month later, according to the Chicago Tribune, Newberry learned of a machinegun nest that was planted in an apartment across the street from his headquarters. Once this was found out, Newberry high tailed it to Canada and his second in command, Al Shimberg, fled to Michigan. Left to run things were a guy named Benny Bennett and Rito.

Around the first of February Bennett disappeared. About a month later, Rito likewise disappeared until this date back in 1930.

John The Billiken Rito

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