"He must have done something. They don't kill you for nothing." - Chicago Gangster Ted Newberry. Rubbed out January 7, 1933

Sunday, November 3, 2013

That stevedoring is a dangerous job

He didn't have an underworld moniker that invoked fear but let us mark the passing of James "Pinhead" Cauley who was extinguished from gangland on this date back in 1927. Pinhead had just finished serving five years for robbery and was working as a boss stevedore on a west side pier. How does one walk out of prison and become a boss stevedore? Connections my friends, connections.

Shortly after 9:00pm on this date Pinhead was making the rounds on his beloved west side when somebody came up and pumped three bullets into him. Why? Well the coppers say it was because he was vying for leadership of a bootleg gang.Which was one of the go to motives at the time. So I guess we'll stick with that.


John DuMond said...

Such a shame. Poor guy didn't even live long enough to get himself a more respectable nickname.

Patrick Downey said...

Indeed. Lesson here, never put off changing your underworld moniker. You never know when you're gonna get gunned down.