"He must have done something. They don't kill you for nothing." - Chicago Gangster Ted Newberry. Rubbed out January 7, 1933

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Jersey Justice

September 22, 1931 saw the demise of Philadelphia gangster Joseph "Big Lally" Wlaigovitz. Big Lally was known as bandit who robbed gambling joints and disorderly houses in New Jersey. In addition to about twenty arrests, he had tenuous ties to gang boss Mickey Duffy who was bumped off less than a month earlier in Atlantic City.

One of the many theories regarding his murder was that he was killed for trying to muscle in on some of Duffy's rackets. Whatever the reason, the Big Lally was sitting in the passenger seat of car when, seemingly, two gunman fired a number of shots into the back and side of his head. Afterwards he was dumped in ditch on the outskirts of Bridgeport, New Jersey.

Joseph "Big Lally" Wlaigovitz

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