"He must have done something. They don't kill you for nothing." - Chicago Gangster Ted Newberry. Rubbed out January 7, 1933

Friday, September 4, 2020

Fake Agent Gets Real Bullet


Just before midnight on September 4, 1933 Los Angeles bid farewell to small time gangster Axel "Three Finger Jack" Anderson. His record showed he had been arrested for burglary in San Francisco in 1925 and again in L.A. in '27.

Stepping up his game, Anderson procured fake credentials showing that he was a Prohibition agent. Earlier in the evening Anderson and two others "confiscated" a load of liquor from a garage. Two hours later, witnesses stated that they saw Anderson in the backseat of a sedan with two other men. A shot rang out, and Anderson fled the sedan and ran towards his own car, which was parked nearby, but his rivals over came him and shot him down in the street. Other reports had it that after fleeing the sedan, his rivals started the car, drove after him and a gunman fired at him from the passenger side window. Either way, Anderson was done for.

Police felt that he was killed by his two companions, who assisted him in stealing the liquor, over an argument over profits. Another thought is that the killers were the original owners of the booze and Anderson was trying to sell it back to them.

axel anderson -

Axel Three Finger Jack Anderson

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