"He must have done something. They don't kill you for nothing." - Chicago Gangster Ted Newberry. Rubbed out January 7, 1933

Sunday, April 21, 2019

You shouldn't horse around

Originally from St. Louis, gambler Milton White Henry - Milsey to his pals- made his way to Washington D.C. circa 1926 and opened a gambling joint. On this date in 1932 he was pulling up to his home when he was cut off by a milk truck. As he patiently waited for the truck to move, a man with a sawed off shot gun got out of a nearby car and crept up to Henry's auto. He fired twice into Henry then, climbing onto the running board of the victim's car, fired three more times making sure Henry was officially out of business.

It was speculated that Henry was rubbed out by Jersey gunmen hired to bump him off by local bookmakers. It seems that Henry had fixed a number of horse races and made a killing. Then, finding out the truth, the bookies decided to make a killing of their own.

Milton White Henry

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