"He must have done something. They don't kill you for nothing." - Chicago Gangster Ted Newberry. Rubbed out January 7, 1933

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Mad Max (Schreck)

Just in case you wondering if Hollywood was running out of remake ideas, there is this.
They are remaking classics silent horror film, Nosferatu. Seeing that Nosferatu is basically Dracula with a different name, I guess it means they are going to remake Dracula and copy the "Count Orlok" character. Or perhaps I'm just being cynical...


John DuMond said...

Hollywood will never run out of remake ideas. They'll remake their remakes. Or reboot their remakes. Or remake their reboots. It's an endless cycle.

Patrick Downey said...

Hollywood will never run out of remake ideas. They'll remake their remakes. Or reboot their remakes. Or remake their reboots. It's an endless cycle. Hey this is pretty easy, kind of like this remake thing.