"He must have done something. They don't kill you for nothing." - Chicago Gangster Ted Newberry. Rubbed out January 7, 1933

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

She was a V-A-M-P, vamp!

At around 4:00 am ninety-years ago this morning. Marguerite McDonald, a singer by trade, woke up when she heard somebody rifling the bureau drawer in her living room. Peering through the darkness she saw a man standing over the bureau.

"What are you doing there?" she called, following up with, "Mother , get the revolver!"

This was a bluff on Ms. McDonald's part as they didn't have a gun,but mother ran to the window and yelled for somebody to call the police which was done.

In the meantime Marguerite slipped on a kimono and went into the the front room to confront the intruder who was 18- year old John Bjorkman. Instead of jumping back out the window in which he entered Bjorkman simply through up his hands. (chances are the fact that he was 18 and a woman in a kimono was a few feet away probably played a part in his not wanting to flee)

Marguerite started a dialogue with the Bjorkman who insisted this was his first criminal venture and the only reason he did it was because he was out of work and living on the waterfront and...

After about twenty minutes a cop showed up and punched Bjorkman in the face twice knocking him out (If we said it once we said it a thousand times, when in old New York, never make a cop have to do his job.)

Bjorkman was dragged to the station and pleaded guilty to burglary. When asked why he didn't try to escape the apartment he said, "I must have been vamped by the girl."

1 comment:

Fowl Ideas said...

Not a master criminal.