"He must have done something. They don't kill you for nothing." - Chicago Gangster Ted Newberry. Rubbed out January 7, 1933

Monday, March 28, 2011


While walking to his garage, eighty years ago this morning, a Queens resident saw something peculiar in his back yard. The object turned out to be Brooklyn racketeer Joe Madonia. Madonia, who was shot once in the head, was involved in both policy and a bakers union. It was said that if bakers didn't buy their flour from vendors designated by Madonia they could expect damage to both their property and themselves. Other than a woman who claimed to hear what could have been a gunshot or a car backfiring a little after midnight, there were no other clues to the murder. Why the killers took the trouble to dump Madonia in somebod's back yard, who knows.


Cullen Gallagher said...

My apartment building doesn't have a backyard, but there are a few abandoned lots in my Brooklyn neighborhood. I'll check to see if anyone is celebrating the anniversary.

Thanks for keeping the history alive!

Patrick Downey said...

Thanks for the email Cullen. If you don't see any celebrants perhaps you can walk into your local bakery and demand some tribute. Thats the way Madonia would have wanted it.

John DuMond said...

Why the killers took the trouble to dump Madonia in somebod's back yard, who knows.

Because, as all good Queens residents know, the front yard is for lawn jockeys and pink flamingos. Bodies go in the back (at least 10 feet from the barbecue pit).

Patrick Downey said...

Thanks for clearing that up John. Have you considered pitching a show to HGTV?